Need urgent help - every phone number I enter is blocked

What is your issue exactly?

I though I answered you already regarding Serbia phones.


“What is my issue?” Nice tone, buddy. Yeah, you answered, thanks (no hidden sarcasm in this one). But, I asked about updates for this specific topic and, to be more precise - I want to know has anything changed? Is there any chance for unblocking Serbian carriers? Hm? Because some of us (or, to be more precise, me) are selling keys on sites like G2A and Gamivo without any problems. I am more than willing to send my ID credentials (guys on Gamivo had no problem to let me sell there even though I am an individual, not a legal/business entity) because my intention is not to scam people, but to sell keys which I do not intend to use for myself (and to earn a dime or two, it’s not a crime if you want to legally get some bonus cash). It’s simple as that. So, instead of blocking all mobile carriers from one country, you should try to do better “filtering” - try to find out who is a serious seller and who is a goddamn scammer.

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