Gameflip API Bot Problem (HELP)

open node.js like a program itself?

The Node.js Command Prompt, sorry for not explaining clearly.

Also as far as i remember i couldn’t just copy paste that. Do i enter them line by line hitting enter after each line?

Okay, I was able to copy it and paste it straight in, and it worked. Copy and pasting this should work:

SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier it says

Can you show me a screenshot, I think I may know the problem.

The same issue happened again, as of right now it says ‘‘Invalid Gameflip Login Credentials’’.
Do you know why this keeps happening? As soon as i created this forum thread, 24 hours later all issues were resolved on it’s own, that’s unless someone from Gameflip had a look into my account and solved the issue for me. Now a month later, the same issue started to happen. This is super frustrating…


Hello @SimplyLeet,

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

Do you have a ticket opened up for this? If not, please open one up and please provide us any screenshots, if possible, of the issue/error you are experiencing so we can better understand what’s going on.

God Speed! :trident:

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