Hi! New on the forum

Hi! I’m new here. I’ve an account in gameflip too, I discovered this site some weeks ago and looks interesting.

Well, I’m Zuzen (not my real name :stuck_out_tongue: ) and I’m Spaniard. It’s nice to meet you all!

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Welcome to Gameflip :grin:

I hope you enjoy the forums & the site/app.

They’re the forums moderators

Help Center
You can use this to get a basic idea about things about Gameflip.
It can also be used to answer questions too.

Gameflip Guidelines
These are the rules with using Gameflip
Please take a few minutes to look over them

Submit Ticket
Use this to submit a issuse you’re having if the moderators can’t help with your issue

If you see anyone breaking the ToS / Rules go to there profile and report them.
Gameflip maintains a safe and quality marketplace environment for our community members.

If you have any issues please don’t be afraid to used the forums or PM a moderator.

Thank you for using Gameflip

Lucy :heart:

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Thank you for all the info! :astonished:
Those sites are very usefull, the first day was :crazy_face: chaotic :crazy_face: because I didn’t understand some things about the website but those places help me a lot! I’ll keep them in mind every time I need some help.

I hope they are cools :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Being new to a site or app can be crazy.
I agree

Just take it easy and don’t stresses out if you don’t understand something.

Gameflip is basically a family.
If you follow the rules and don’t become aggressive towards the moderators or the staff that Gameflip.
They will do all in there power to try resolving your issues.
(Being polite, calm can go far, yes the moderators are “cool”)

Remember to smile

Lucy :heart:

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I will! :grinning:

Btw, I love playing Warframe, so, if someone wants to play, just ask!

You can use this part of the forums to discuss things about anything game related, who knows you may makes some gaming friends

Lucy :heart:

Welcome welcome!

Welcome to this amazing community!