Scam seller's still on the site after many reports

This seller has been on the site for a while with multiple listings of invalid codes. Many people reported and commented in the listings for the past weeks. He was wise to deleted and made new listings as well as blocked those who reported him. Haven’t seen admin take any actions yet.

He purposely is selling in a different category (not under Gift Card) to get around the restriction. Hope no one is falling for that until he’s removed.

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Oh I’m sure someone will, and they’ll end up here on the forums for Dunn to deal with. :smirk: :crazy_face:

Not sure if I should report another one too. One seller with more than 1k+ ratings gave me the code and asked me to wait for 3 days so he could activate it. It was a $1,700 transaction and he cancelled after I opened a dispute :joy:

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Hello! Please, report it. We can’t allow such actions around here.


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