Why does adding funds take so long?

Why does adding funds to my wallet take so long?? I’ve added funds using my VISA and via PayPal. Both were fairly quick. Not as instantaneous as I would like, but within a few minutes to an hour. Yesterday(April 14), I made 2 transactions via PayPal and 1 today(April 15). As if 11:38AM Eastern, not one dime has been added to my wallet. I want to buy stuff and will likely miss a good deal because processing is too slow! I’ve written several emails, but to no avail. The fact you don’t have a customer service phone number really sucks!! If I don’t get my money in my wallet, I will seriously consider taking my business elsewhere!

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Support / gameflip does not work on weekends this is why your experiencing such a delay also be sure you have verify your I’d and payment method with gameflip

I have had no issues via VISA or PayPal up until yesterday. Still doesn’t explain why my payment isn’t being automatically credited to my wallet. I have checked PayPal and it shows I paid the money, all 3 times I paid $6.48(twice) and $5.45(once) since yesterday morning. This is one of the transaction I.D.s:

Hello! If you are still facing this issue, can you please send me your invite code via PM so I can help you further?


Where does one find the invite code?

Under your profile avatar picture on gameflip.

KDQ7PJ This one. My profile code?

Fir some reason, on my iPhone doesn’t let your “Message” button appear when I go to your page

The money I tried to add Sunday and Monday, all got cancelled. No reason given. I don’t understand. I’ve been adding money and buying for several days with no real issue. Then, the other night, I saw something I wanted to buy. It said I needed to add money to my wallet. I tried like 4 times to add money to no avail. Then, I saw in notifications, it wanted me to verify the transaction by getting the 4 letter code from my bank account. I did and tried to enter it, not realizing each transaction had a unique code. It locked it and said “verification” had failed. I switched over to using my PayPal. That worked fir awhile, and now it’s not working. I have now missed several items I would like to buy, but can’t get money into my wallet

Now, I try to buy something and it says it will charge it to my VISA, which is how it should be done, but I digress. I thought it was going to work, but now the transaction is “Under Review”. Bottom line: WTF kind of clown show are you guys running here? Can’t add money to buy anything or just outright buy something. In less than a week, Gameflip has gone from great to “really sucks”. Not sure what’s going on there, but they need to fix it. No phone number for customer support and email response is really slooooowwww. This “having to put money in a wallet to buy something ” business model really sucks. Please help!!! @DunnBiscuit

Okay, now I’m pissed! I am now completely “VERIFIED”!! I just went to purchase an item, it seemed like it went through. Looked at the “Purchases” page and it now, once again, says the transaction is “Under Review”!!! WTF!!! I thought being “VERIFIED” was supposed to cut through the bull crap!!! What was the freaking point of getting verified if it doesn’t Help??? I am so livid right now, I’m shaking!!! FIX THIS NOW!!!

Okay, now I’m pissed! I am now completely “VERIFIED”!! I just went to purchase an item, it seemed like it went through. Looked at the “Purchases” page and it now, once again, says the transaction is “Under Review”!!! WTF!!! I thought being “VERIFIED” was supposed to cut through the bull crap!!! What was the freaking point of getting verified if it doesn’t Help??? I am so livid right now, I’m shaking!!! FIX THIS NOW!!! Please!!!

I just checked and your account and fixed the issue. Since you are now verified, your purchases will go through normally unless any information you use changes.

I also approved your latest purchases.

I apologize for any issue this have caused.

Thank you.

Thank you very much! If I have any issues I will let you know!

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Sure, just contact me here.

I’m glad to help, have a good day!


Don’t give out ur personal info

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Gotcha. Thanks!

Hello I TRIED to add funds but took to long tried 3 times every time I canceled it but then I releaized I couldnt try to add funds btw I use a gift card I go to the web site to view balance and I see all the trans on game flip all 3 and didnt get money back so please help

Hello @Twistedshdws,

Could you please provide me your invite code so I can check your account?

God Speed! :trident:

can u help me out , here is ticket : 666285 , here is profile code : LBH6HD