Hey everyone and welcome to gameflip. I am looking to purchase something most people wouldnt even think about. BROKEN GAMES.
Yes, you heard right, I want to buy your unreadable, broken, and cracked games for various platforms.
I am looking for several games to buy. They must be complete games, they can have tons of light and heavy scratches and even cracks. I will even buy some that have been cut open. ( as long as they are all together and not in pieces.
PLEASE be aware i am buying this at a very cheap price. dont expect to make retail value on your broken games. They are worth nothing so please be happy with the amount i give you.
Here is my list, better games have a better price point from me.
I am looking for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and some are 3ds or wii, wii u.
Call of Duty Black OPS 3 ps4
Call of Duty Black OPS 3 ps4
Call of DUTY MW2 ps3
Killer instinct combo breaker xb1
Sports champions MVR ps3
South Park stick of truth ce
NBA 2k16 xbox one
Assassins creed unity xb1
Call of Duty ghosts xb1
NBA 2k16 early tip off edition ps4
NBA 2k16 early tip off edition xb1
Fallout new Vegas ult edition ps3
Fallout 3 GOTY Edition GS ps3 excludes
Halo 5 guardians xb1
Call of duty Black Ops 3 xb1
Mortal kombat X xb1
Rainbow 6 seige ps4
Star wars battlefront ps4
Infinity 3.0 star wars strtpck ps3 need the Infinity pieces
Madden NFL 16 ps4
Shadow of Mordor (2cd) X360
Division LE day one edition ps4
Legend of Zelda twilight w/a twilight princess HD w/ Amiibo Wii u
Sims 3 xb360
Forza 6 day one edition xb1
Skate 3 Xbox 360
Metal Gear rising Rev ps3
Division gold edition SD 3/8 ps4
Marvel Ultimate Alliance xb360
Minecraft story mode ps4
Assassins creed rogue xb360
NBA 2k16 standard edition ps4
NBA 2k16 standard edition ps4
Fifa 16 deluxe edition SD 9/2 ps4
Saints Row xb360
Killer instinct combo breaker xb1
Halo 5 guardians xb1
Division LE xb1
Grand theft auto 5 standard edition ( ps3)
NBA 2k 15 xb360
Borderlands the pre sequel ps3
Fallout new Vegas ult edition xbox 360
Guitar hero live 2pk bundle xb1 (need guitars probably)
Batman Arkham Knight ps4
Call of Duty Black ops (bc) x360
Call of Duty Black OPS 3 PS3
Battlefield 4 xb1
Puzzle and dragons + p&d super 3ds
Call of duty ghosts xb1
Call of duty Black Ops xbox 360
Lego marvel Avengers x360
Far cry primal ps4
Star wars battlefront xb1
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 x360
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 PS3
Destroy all humans path furon x360
Destroy all humans path furon x360
Tomb raider definitive edition xb1
Call of duty black ops 3 xb1
Call of Duty Black OPS 3 ps3
Division reg ps4
Grand theft auto V standard ps4
Battlefield 3 (2cd) xbox 360
Assassins creed 2 (bc) xbox 360
Call of Duty ghosts (2cd) x 360
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and i will be happy to assist you. more games needed soon.