Can’t login into my account. At first the desktop doesn’t allow to log in asking for code from the app. The code from the app is entered several times - errors out. After several attempts - no more option for code - just says invalid login. After logging out on mobile app - can’t log bag in. Now can’t log in on either device - Why? Need assistance!
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Hello and welcome to the game flip community.
I would recommend you to send a PM to @DunnBiscuit tomorrow with your Invite code (the one found on your game flip profile) and with your number associated to your gameflip account. He will look into and will try to fix the issue if its all in rule. This happened to me once and he fixed it. Hope this help you out, good luck.
If you cant see the ‘‘Message’’ option, its because you are new and you have to spend 15 mins on the forums for unlocking that badget and be able to send PM.
Can you send me screenshots of this issue via PM so I can check this further?
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