Hey everyone, It's me!

Hello fellow gamers, sellers and buyers,

I thought it’s about time to introduce myself!

In the gamers department i run under the name “Pwny”, I am from Germany and currently working on my masters degree in economic rights.
I’ve been playing games my whole life long, starting with Pokémon Red. During the years I played Trackmania Nations Forever on a pretty high level, unfortunately they released TM²Stadium which my pc couldnt handle back then why I was forced to look for something new :frowning:

I decided to take a break to focus on my studies until i found out about Rocket League :heart: in early 2016. I got hooked right away and started to grind my as* off up to this day. I got rewarded in Season 8 where I finally reached the highest competitive rank (Grand Champion). Since then I’m finishing the seasons on a higher and higher elo, there is still so much to learn. That is what i love about this game.

Now that I have a lot of spare time 'cause I’m just writing on my thesis, I thought why not helping other players to reach their desired rank and maybe make some profit doing what I love?! - Thats why I’m here. I have several listings on gameflip players can buy for a very cheap price. I will link my Gameflip Profile here, beside the listed gigs you will find another short biography of myself.

If you have any questions do not hestitate to ask! :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading and happy gaming :video_game: :smiley:

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