Login Error, can't get into my account

Hi, I can’t login due to an error. I have tried resetting my password but nothing happens.

Were you using the website, the Android app, or the iOS app? Can you give a screenshot of the error?

When you do the password reset, you should have received an email from Gameflip. Have you checked all your inboxes?

Yes I’ve checked all my inboxes. I clicked on the find my username one and it took a day to come through. I have requested to change my password but I haven’t got anything back. I am using the website on pc.

Instead of Login error it is saying login failed. Would you be able to reset my password?

Nevermind, I got a temporary password.

Looks like the Gameflip emails are getting to you really late.

Yeah, I can’t change my password though as I don’t know what the old password was.

The “Old Password” is the one you received from the password reset email.

That didn’t work

There are four fields in the password reset form https://gameflip.com/settings

Username: enter your username
Old Password: paste the password from the reset email
New Password: enter your new password
New Password (Confirmation): enter your new password again and make sure they match

I’ve just done this process and it works.

The password sent to me only lasted 5 minutes…

Did you click forgot password multiple times? Wait for the very last email then use that password reset.

Problem resolved. Thanks for the help.