Phone number issue

Hey gameflip! I created an account and it says that my phone number is already verified! I’m not to sure why so please can you in verify my phone number so I can actually buy! My phone number is +44 7927 290998

Hey Flipyissy23!

Sorry to hear about your issue :frowning:

Could you please provide me your invite code?

God Speed :trident:

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My invite code is: MRHYRX

Hey Flipyissy23!

Sorry for the wait.

In this case, you were permanently suspended from Gameflip and as stated in the suspension email we sent: “Creating or accessing other Gameflip accounts is prohibited for the duration of this suspension.”, you are not allowed to use the Gameflip platform with alternate accounts.

Also, the suspension wouldn’t have happened if you had payed attention to our warnings.

God Speed :trident:

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