Purchase pending issue

I’ve tried adding $159.95 to my wallet Thursday evening Friday morning and I have not received it I’m my wallet, it’s been almost 2 days now. And getting kinda pissed that my money is still on hold and not in my wallet I wouldn’t care as much if it was under 100 but it’s almost 200 and I do not like that’s its still. Pending after it’s been removed from my card. So please if someone sees this and can help ASAP that be great!

Could you please inform your profile code so I can check?

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Hey I’m his buddy he said his invite code is HLFE52

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Soliclan (soliclan) is my username

Your purchase is under review, we sent an email to your email address registered on Gameflip requesting information for purchase confirmation.
You need to reply with the requested info so we can release the purchase.

I did when you can please check your email sir!