Hello and welcome to the dollar store. Here we specialize in fortnite save the world content.
Here at The Dollar Store, Anytime you buy something from us, as a bonus and a thank you, We let you pick between a 106 godrolled typewritter, siegebreaker, bundlebuss, or a wraith,and we give it to you free of charge for taking the time out of your day to come and buy something from us instead of all the other people on here that are just taking advantage and overcharging you. That’s why our prices are the cheapest, and why everyone comes to us because nothing we sell will ever be more then 2 dollars MAX. People charging more then that are scam artist and we don’t like that kind of thing, so We have made it our goal to make our prices so cheap that nobody will ever get ripped off on save the world content, EVER again. Let’s all just play the game and have fun doing it like we are suppose to
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Great entrance, great prices. Keep going !!
Have fun !
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