Who else loves this app?

I love this app. Great deals and everything.

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That’s awesome to hear!! Have you bought or sold anything yet? :ok_woman:

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Welcome @brandonsoul! Glad to hear you’ve been loving the App!! :grinning: Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Definitely! Recently sold gta 5 and bought far cry 4. :grinning:

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aawww yusss that’s awesome, congrats! :sunglasses:

This app is dank m8, question is, can we buy/sell Doritos and Mountain Dew?

Haha Good question my man, Good question :smirk:

but I really do want an answer :laughing:

LMAOO we actually had someone post some trollish listings like that before, early on in Gameflip’s release.

But in all seriousness, we only allow the sale of items listed under our “Product Categories” in our Gameflip Guidelines. Anything that doesn’t fall under Games, Collectibles, Accessories, or Consoles, will be carefully monitored and analyzed by our team to verify if it’s appropriate to sell on Gameflip. If it isn’t, we will delete the listing and issue a warning to the seller, which could result in a suspension if the behavior continues.

Though it would seem fun if people started selling meme-y and lulsy items, we want Gameflip to be taken seriously as a marketplace. It’s hard to trust a marketplace app if you log on and all you see are Doritos listings LOL.

Awww, I was really hoping for some Doritos.

Then again, I’d probably have to pay shipping and wait a week :grinning:

LMAO or it’s probably a fake listing and they’ll never ship the item. Please don’t buy or sell random snacks on Gameflip :laughing:

Haha, I won’t, but since we’re on the topic of invalid listings, what about the listings which are just requests? Will there ever be an area for requests in the marketplace for these types of requests or who’ll that always be limited to the forums?

There is currently no plans to have a “Requests” part of Gameflip implemented in our roadmap. We do hope to develop sometime a “Wishlist” type of feature so users can share what sorts of games they wish they could buy. This will not be released anytime soon thought since we’re working on more crucial aspects of Gameflip.

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what a nice app this was

Yes I liked this app.

nah nah im saving up for a xbox one