Why is my Paypal withdrawal is pending approval (needs_approval.status) ?

Did a paypal withdrawal of 80 usd yesterday and it is under the status of needs_approval. Is there any information that i need to further provide?

Note : First withdrawal was transferred into my account within 5 minutes. But the second time i try to withdraw, it says needs_approval

i think you will contact support

Already did since yesterday. Still has not get any respond

Hey PayPal withdrawals may take up to 7 days to complete.

If any kind of information is needed to complete this payout, we will contact you.


I am also having this problem. My first withdrawal to my card to Less than an hour but I have 2 withdrawals that need approval. Why is this ?

Probably because it was over the holidays. If it’s taking too long then leave your invite code so a moderator can look over your account.