cant verify phone number

hello, my invite code Z17JNJ.
i tried to verify phone number but i didnt receive anycode in my phone, please help me

Hello Nguy_n_Hi_u!

Do you receive any error when you try to verify your phone number?

Also, you might have blocked our number To check and solve this follow these instructions:

iOS go to Settings > Messages > Blocked
Search for our number there and unblock it.

Android go to Messages > Settings > Blocked Numbers and Messages
Search for our number there and unblock it.

God speed!

:trident: New forum moderators!

No,i do not block any number

I’m having the same issue, I’m not receiving the text confirmation. It says it’s sent but I’m not getting a text?

Hello @Onyx.x ,

Could you please provide me your invite code so I can check your account?

Also, have you opened a ticket for this issue?

God Speed! :trident:

I’m also having this issue for past 2 days. Not sure what’s wrong.


Ticket: 678049