I can’t sign into my MAIN account which the username is Tr3v
I was able to send the username to both my phone and email, but as soon as I try and send a temporary password, I get nothing.
I can’t sign into my MAIN account which the username is Tr3v
I was able to send the username to both my phone and email, but as soon as I try and send a temporary password, I get nothing.
@DunnBiscuit it also never let me try to PM you, so please help me ASAP! Trying to dispute a “delivered” item that I never received!!!
I also have no way to get my invite code, it was never sent to my email, please help me.
You should be able to use the private message feature now since you have a “Basic User” badge. Go to the moderator’s profile and click the orange “Message” button, if you don’t see it, relog the forum. Give the moderator the phone number you registered on Gameflip so they can look you up.
Thanks, I messaged them, just waiting for a response now! Hopefully soon
Any luck getting help? Having the same problem and can’t message them either
Try using a other browser or cleaning you cookies or try using the app.
Try resetting your password using the app forgot password.
If all fails here dm @DunnBiscuit your invite code and info them your issues.
Thank you for such a quick response! I’ve actually tried all of those already, as I’ve been reading through all of these posts! But I will message them now that I’m able to! Again thanks for such a timely response, it’s very appreciated!!
You’re welcome
It maybe a issuse on there part and they would need to if it.
Please don’t worry they will resolve the issuse.