I was selling a Rocket League key,
A guy bought it, added me to steam, took the key, removed me from the friends list and he didn’t confirm taking the key yet, I took a video of the whole process, what do I do right now ?
Hey, if you haven’t done so yet, please send the video you have to support@gameflip.com,
There we will be able to check it and help you with this issue.
Thank you.
dude, can you please help to resolve my issue? i’ve been recommended gameflip on reddit and got a spare gift card which i don’t really need so i decided to sell it and the guy who bought it just claim it’s used, he has attached some screenshots with steam error and nothing else while i’ve sent him normal photo of my real gift card (i just copied the code very carefully and pasted that code to gameflip). so yeap my listing is on hold for 2 days already and noone comes to sort it out.
Hey @Joe_Stanson, unfortunately I can’t help you here within the Forum.
Please, contact our support team at support@gameflip.com, there we will be able to help you further.