How long does it take for documents verification?

And also when should I withdraw my money through BTC, since I heard it’s only available some days?

It can take up to several days.

Payout batches are closed weekly on Mondays and Thursdays at 8AM PST.
The status of your Bitcoin payout will be “In Transit” when captured by a payout batch.
If the Bitcoin wallet address provided is valid, funds should take no longer than 2 business days to arrive to the user’s Bitcoin wallet after the payout batch was created.

They keep saying the photos are in bad resolution even though THEY LOOK GREAT,I don’t get it

Then thats just what it is. Maybe find a friend or family member with a phone that takes better resolution pictures and have a steady hand.

The pictures are super clear, except for the selfie since it’s hard to hold the paper and the ID and make it look clear but it’s obvious


You mentioned the selfie, so take a better selfie photo if possible, this might solve your issue.


I’ve been waiting for the identity verification I sent to go through for a week now. Any idea why? I just want to try selling gift cards.

Hello @KitoGarGodo,

Could you please provide me your invite code so I can take a look into your account?

God Speed! :trident: