Lack of forum activity

Obviously game flip is doing the halo 5 giveaway and posting to the forums get you extra entries, but I only see people just making random forum posts. And I’m not trying to say I’m better than others, but I only see a few people making interesting posts trying to interact with the community.

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Well remember that this is a new community entirely, and not many people know what to do to make a post that is just beyond “love the app!” When their isn’t much to talk about. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do something about it. Post something for people to answer, or even add a new tip/trick on how to use the app. That’s what I was doing for a while until I left for school. Then place I’m going didn’t have wifi so I don’t have the opertubith to come on that often. Otherwise you’d see me on a lot XD

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I think few people know they can use the forums on the desktop, which is much more convenient to type than from their phone.

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I’ll try to find a comment they also mentioned what you said @TheFuBar and how it’s in the works to being more at took to it as well but won’t be until the app itself can stand on its own.

That’s exactly how I’m using the forum. I was never able for months to get onto the forum as i tried and tried to no avail but after finally using the laptop version i got logged in and now able to write and make forum posts. THANKFULLY.
it really is convenient especially when my replies/ messages tend to become super long and detailed.

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