Login Failed Error.

Hi. I get a login failure while I try to enter the account from the phone. I am not living this problem on my computer. I’ve opened a ticket before… I was told to download the application again. I download again but the problem did not improve. I even tried it on different phones. There was no problem when I first opened the account. This problem has 1-2 months. How can you help? .

Are you using the iOS (iPhone/iPad) app, or Android app?

What signin method do you use? Facebook, Google, or email?

What is the exact error message you received? Can you give a screenshot?

I use iPhone. I enter by email.

Is the username and password the exactly the same as the one you use on the website? Were you ever able to log in the iOS app, or is this your time using it?

Yes same as website. I could not log in at all except my own computer. Many times I entered and exited account on computer but I can not get in enter from the phones. I check everything and login, but the entrance is unsuccessful.

for example I get this error even from the safari

Can you use your phone’s web browser to login to gameflip.com? Could you post your invite code so support can identify you on the site.

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Problem fixed

Did you fix it by doing something different, or the login just works now?

i am checked after.The problem is not fully solved. I can enter the account when I change the password on phone but this time i can not enter from the computer. I can enter the account when I change the password on computer but this time i can not enter from the phone.

hey, can you please send me your invite code so I can try to help you? Send me via PM. Thanks!