My bitcoin adress

[bitcoin payout application for the bitcoin address was rejected] i sent my id and my bitcoin adress but it was rejected why ?

Did you follow all the steps in:

make sure to double check that all information inputted is correct and accurate

Screenshot - c6711d15a48922f62aa099ae78bd0b8e - Gyazo im approved and my inofrmations are correct

I changed Bitcoin Wallet Provider to Paribu is that problem

Please post your profile code so when a moderator gets online they can look it up for you.

WQSXRF My profile code

As i checked, this is why your application got rejected:

  • Insufficient amount of sold listings
  • Incorrect Photo ID
  • Inconsistent information

I recommend you to check the reason above and try to apply again with the correct information (that matches your Gameflip information) since you already sold more than 20 listings.

Thank you.