Need help ASAP important matter

I need assistance,so I guess you guys just implemented some new system to where you can only change your store name so many times, I never changed my store name, but I did put whether I was online or away or at the store or whatever everyday because that’s what everyone else does,now my store name is stuck at away at work and says I can’t change it till the that I no that u can’t change It like that anymore I will stop doing that but can you help me so I can just change it one more time because I don’t want it to be stuck says away at work because none of my customers will think that I’m on. My profile code is 7H7AW4 please help me change this asap so my customers can no I’m online now.if I had known this was going to happen I wouldn’t have changed it last night but I ,aswell as everyone else have been doing this for over a year to let our customers know when we were or were not offline.personally I think verified sellers such as myself should be exempt from this since we are using it in an abusive manner or causing harm or anything of the sort,were simply letting our customers know what’s going on so they are not waiting forever for there orders

Hello @FortKing,

Please see the following topic:

Also, feel free to use the Android or iOS app to change your online status.

God Speed! :trident: