Payment Verification - No Email From Paypal

Howdy - I made two purchases on GameFlip today from the same seller. The first transaction went smoothly. The second transaction generated a ‘Payment verification needed’ error. I received an email asking me to follow up with Paypal to clear a hold on the transaction. I checked my email, including my junk folder, and did not have any email from PP. Then, I logged into PP and saw that there was a pending transaction for both GameFlip purchases. Neither transaction had any kind of hold I could see. I am hoping to clear this off of my account so I can complete the transaction. I submitted a ticket to support, but was told I could find some assistance here. Help please!

My profile code is CY7T48

Hello faux_anonymity!

I have verified and answered your ticket :wink:

Also, the hold on your purchase has been cleared.

God speed!

:trident: New forum moderators!

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