Hi i bought a gift gard but the orders is on hold and i got this error message -payement verification required- and it says also that an email verification with 4 digit code has been sent to my email but the problem is that i didnt recieve any email i tried with 6 cards but the problem always persist
please help and thank you in advance
Have you tried this method https://gameflip.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/220972467-How-to-find-the-Payment-Verification-code- using the code found on your bank statement.
Please post your invite code (from your Gameflip profile) here so a moderator can help you.
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im using paypal as a payement methode so i dont have anything on my bank statement . i should receive an email in my payapl email adress but i didnt receive anything
A moderator can help you if you leave your invite code in this thread.
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Here is my invit code 4WGUMC
Hey man, I just answered your ticket.