Questionnaire: Payment Declined

Hello, I am currently having a similar issue. My Apple Pay has been declining for two weeks or so. Support said to be sure my addresses matched and they do. I added a different and same result. I also tried to add my card directly to Gameflip and it says I’ve reached the payment method limit even though I don’t have any cards saved. App is up to date. Could you be of assistance with this issue? I couldn’t make my topic yet I couldn’t find the option for it. Thank you so much.

Profile code 3PM3LG

Hello @Grey1616!

Sorry to hear about your issue.

I have verified your ticket and can see that the Support Team is currently checking your case.

Also, to help in the investigation, could you please provide screenshots of the errors that are appearing to you when purchasing and when trying to add a card?

This will help in case the Support Team needs to contact the QA/Engineering Team to check.


Godspeed! :trident:

Hi, should I post the screenshots here or the email ticket? Thanks!

Sorry forgot to tag you in the last reply. I sent the screenshots via email to my ticket if that is okay. Can send here if needed too

@DarkKnight Hey would you be able to offer any updates on my case? I haven’t heard from the support team in a week or so after sending them some info on the payment methods that keep declining. Thank you and have a great day/night.

Hello @Grey1616!

Sorry for the wait and inconvenience this has caused you.

I will verify if the Support Team has any updates on your case and get back to you ok.

Godspeed! :trident:

@DarkKnight No worries at all I appreciate it! Thank you!

Hello @Grey1616!

I have verified your ticket and can see that the Support Team answered.

Could you please take a look when possible?

Hope you have a great day!

Godspeed! :trident:

@DarkKnight Thanks a lot they reached out. Issue still persisting after trying what they asked but hopefully we can get it fixed another way. I saw where another user had to delete all their cards and address and re add them and that didn’t help fix my issue lol. I did delete a bunch of duplicate addresses I had on here around the time this started. That might have messed something up. Hard to tell. It’s my luck lol


Hello, I’ve been trying to purchase something from the Gameflip store, and I keep getting the “This transaction has been declined” message. I don’t know what to do.