some one help me sort this please

this is getting annoying
i m missing most of my buyerrs,bcz when they comment on my post
i dont know they posted
and then they dont purchase when i see it
why am i not getting notifications on my phone


Hey, If you’re having issues on the mobile app, you can uninstall and reinstall, also make sure that notifications are enabled on your phone, if the issue persist, you can definitely use your computer and access to your account through the official page.

i did uninstaalll reinstall…
i use comouter one
but problem is i used to get notified when someone commented on listing
most of guys want items right away.
i cant check webiste every second
now ii cant reply to them back before they already buy from others
that is why i need fix for mobile problem

I’m sorry to hear you’re going through that. As a seller I know how important it is to see the buyers’ commments on the listings and communicating with them.
You should try checking the configurations on your phone to see if the notifications for the Gameflip APP are all set as allowed. If I were you I would also uninstall the app and then install it again (install only the updated version of the app).
If it doesn’t work here is what you can do: on the Gameflip website footer go to Help Center > Need More Help? Contact Us
Submit a ticket there and inform them of your problem also adding which phone you have and how updated your operating system is.

i uninstallld,reinstalled ,did everything like that…
nothing helps bro


There might be a change in configuration on your phone, that might be causing this.

To start, did you verify if the app notification is suppressed through your Android/Iphone options?

Also, are you receiving the Gameflip notification e-mails?

God Speed!

i m receiving emails only when someone purchases,i
i used to get notified when someone commented on listing via notification bar on android and also mail
now only receive email of purchase ,no notification .literally nothing
and ya i checked notification etc settings,nothing heelps,
pls help @DarkKnight