Rest assured that your issue WILL be fixed and in case it incurs you any cost, we will reimburse you.
Please keep in mind that we are a small group of people, so our responses can take a bit longer than you’d expect, but we are 100% committed to making Gameflip the best marketplace for all gamers and that includes fixing bugs, being fair and hearing to our customers.
I could not check if your subscription issue is persistent or not as the last update you’ve made on your subscription was at 2018-03-22 10:05:35 GMT.
Our fix was deployed on 2018-03-23, so it was after the last change on your subscription. Are you sure it’s not working?
If you’re unhappy, we will refund you. No problem.
I just want to make sure that our fix work for you or not. We had more people with this issue who have indicated their subscriptions are now functioning properly.
Did you check it after last Friday, 3/23/2018?
If your subscription was active after that date AND your problem persist, please send me your invite code so I can investigate.
Also, I understand that you were upset with “seeing moderators online” and not getting a response, but I’m not sure why the forums show us as online as we were definitely not. Maybe we left a device on and Chrome may have indicated to the forum we are active.
When I’m online, I reply as many posts and PMs I can. No reason to go online and glance at stuff that requires my attention, but do nothing.
I’ll investigate to make sure the proper statuses are displayed and we’ll get more staff help here.