So A friend recommended this app to me. Told me I could sell anything I want on this app. I saw someone else listing youtube subscribers, so I thought, why not? Like anybody else, I didn’t read the long rules and terms & conditons. I sold 4 different people legitimate subscribers and even got good ratings. Those subs are still there. Then I decide to sell 2 gift cards. Those I got for my birthday 2 weeks ago and knew I was never going to use them. So I ended up selling them. After I sell them I get a your account has been suspended notification and now I am very upset because from what I am reading I will lose everything. Is there any way to forfeit the money gained from the subscribers, keep the money from the gift cards and get it put into my paypal, and unsuspend me?
Thanks for the help in advance
Code: PNTLY2
Same thing happened with me as well. I sold $1000 Gift cards and now they have suspended my account without any notice. I have send 2-3 mails to, No response! its been 10th day.
No payout yet showing up in Paypal. Neither I could access my account. 
Hey @Rage_Vids, your case was adressed already.
@sckangane1486 can you please send me your PM via invite code so I can check this issue for ya?
GameFlip support is extremely slow. its 15 days still unable to access account and no payout. $700 stuck or lost!!!
my account was suspended for no reason and when i requested to have my account opened back up they finally replied and said it was cause my card was declined. I then replied and said that my card company declined me cause they got a red flag from this website. so asked that they reopen it cause i had a lot of money in my account for buying not selling and i keep getting ignored, I was also scammed by someone who sold me a card that the codes were already used. At this point its not about the money. I put $100.00 into my account and then i tried to load more into the account thats when they suspended my account. I have sent in over six tickets, and all they say is that my account is suspended. I don’t think anyone is even reading these tickets cause I’m asking them how can i resolve these two issues and they don’t give me answers. Im about to contact a lawyer. Can you help me resolve this issue or was I scammed.
Ive read so many similar complaints that I think its time to get the federal Trade commision and the office of OCC. Im retired from the Dept of defense and I’m not letting these people take advantage of others anymore so if you can assist me it would benefit all concerned.
Hey @JhnyMac1 can you please send me your tickets numbers so I can check them for ya?