(UPDATE* STATUS ISSUE IS RESOLVED) My account is suspended because verification code was not sent to my mobile need help!

Hello Gameflip support, My account got suspended beacuse I tried to log in but the verification code was not sent to my registered number, I need help to get my account back and I appreciate the support, Thank you.

Kind Regards

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I wanted to add that I tried contacting support over a week by far to get my issue resolved but it didn’t! All the messages I got on mail is about my username and I already know my username and never asked for it, The main issue and problem here is that my account already got suspended because I tried log in many times to my account but the verfication code was not being sent to my mobile num and that got my account suspended, And I need support help to recover my account back, Thank you.

Hello there!

could you send a gameflip ticket from there? telling them the problem!

here’s https://gameflip.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Hello there!

I already sent 4 tickets from there and unfortunately I got no help at all! That’s why I’m here, The funny thing is they sent me my username which I didn’t ask for? I wish the support to improve on this site and also if they added chat support that well fix any problem in a matter of min’s instead of waiting for days and weeks and your problem hasn’t got solved yet! Still waiting for help.

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i wish they help you out bro! :confused:

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Thank’s man and yeah let’s wish for the best! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ofc, i wish the best for you! :blush:

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Update* My issue got resolved by Gameflip support!

Basically, The Gameflip support team contacted me again on my last ticket and said that my account is not suspended and i have to send a screenshot to prove it! So i tried to log back in my account and it still was showing that it’s suspended, So i took a screenshot and sent it to the support shortly after i tried to log in again and it did logged me in! And the verification code was sent successfully to my mobile num, I’m happy that i got my account back and i would like to Thank the Gameflip support team for the assistance as well! :relaxed: My account is back! And i have 467 notifications lol :smiley:

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glad your account is work again now!!! :smiley:

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Thank you Adam for being supportive as well and i wish you all the best to come! :heart:

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Anytime bro, wish the best for you as well <3 <3

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