Verification for card for purchasing

Does anyone know how long it takes to get approved with your card. I’m trying to buy gift cards but it keeps saying it needs a code but my cash app doesn’t have a code so I’m waiting for it to verify.

It should be the payment verification code. I do not think it can get approved without the code if that is the case.

From the link ^^ (You may need to wait up to a few hours for this code to appear depending on how your bank handles payment processing.)

Everyone is different so the timing also differs person to person.

Topic is under wrong category, next time do take note, thanks.

Hello @jessicasim0589,

If you are waiting for your card to verify, it should take 1-3 days to verify.

If you want to sell Gift Cards, you must be ID Verified. An ID Verified account looks like this:

A Gameflip Verified badge will show next to the seller’s name.


In the case that you were talking about a verification code, @Sparkling_Juice has commented.

Light Speed! :cloud_with_lightning:

Thank you everyone I figured it out thanks loves


None of my credit cards are working … thought I’d chime in lol SO FRUSTRATING