60 or 70 bad rates

I have a question I sell in gameflip since 2017 and have 1300+ sells but have like 80 bad rates that like 60 or 70 rates are from people that purchase a the item and in that time I I was in a break in gameflip with or don’t be at home for a long time and people buy the item and I don’t delivery so after 1 day they cancel the purchase and I get a bad rate is there any chance to get a solution just would like to know ty:)

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Well, I mean you can give it a shot by sending a ticket to support. Link Below

It is not your fault because you weren’t at home/at break but your partically in fault because you did not withdraw your listings when your not around.

I am not sure whether your ratings can be removed but you can give it a shot!
You should also leave your invite code here and pin a Moderator. But still send a ticket first to support.

All the Best! Good luck.


Those bad rates are totally deserved. I rarely even buy coordinated transfer items anymore because I’ve wasted so many discount codes/credits just to have them wait 2-3 days and cancel without ever contacting me. They should give you a ban instead of removing those to improve the site for buyers.


Lol, if it’s been 6 months Since they received them I don’t think they can be removed anyways

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That’s why I always ask under their listing before buying. Some people might just forgot to remove listings. What will happen if the seller got into an accident or something serious happened? We can’t expect him to remove his listings. Once he recovers, and his account got Ban because of that? It wouldn’t be fair for the Seller. We can’t judge all Sellers based on one Seller. I always check their ratings too before purchasing so if they recently had a few bad reviews, I wouldn’t purchase it.

I understand you. If they do it without a reason, they SHOULD get warned. I have experienced it before myself. Wasted a discount code and waited 3 days. From then on,

  1. Always check whether Seller is online under his listing.

  2. Always check (It must be 1 day transfer, not 2 or 3) If it is a Game Item

  3. If they waste my time/do not respond after buying/selling item within 1 day, I will cancel + Block them or wait 1 day (Already waited as written above) and cancel and Block them.

If it is codes, it must be auto delivery.

However, we have to understand Sellers sometimes as well. For this case, yes, it is HIS fault because he did not remove listings before going on break. Based on their ‘Reason’, they should be dealt accordingly.Have a Good Day.



That is True. Highly impossible but no harm trying. I was just encouraging him. It is his fault in the first place but he probably didn’t do it on purpose. He can still try sending a ticket to Support despite knowing that he has a very low chance of getting them removed. Have a Good Day to All.

Quote by Roy T. Bennett: “ Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying .” It’s still good to try despite sucess rate being very low unless it is really 100% his fault then he shouldn’t try.


Ty for all the replays and np I understand that ists my fault in some cases in others no just see a topic than they can remove some bad rates if they are injustice and I just was curius to ask don’t have any problem to sit there more time that bad rates :slight_smile: and to the guy it’s says I should get banned for that my purchases are always 1 day delivery so yur arguments don’t work a lot in my case tho
Have a nice day cya :slight_smile:

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They have been 6 moths ore more lol

Just Take it as Lesson and Becareful Next Time. Have a Nice Day too.


What are you talking about? He wasn’t in an accident lol. I’m posting this as both a buyer and a seller with over 13k sales and I understand that terrible sellers like this drive buyers away to other sites with the same products. This guy was so out to lunch he took 60 to 70 bad ratings without noticing or bothering to update his listings. I feel like that’s a pretty sufficient warning even if he missed it.

It shouldn’t be up to a buyer to ask if a seller has the item or go through some three step process (and your 3 steps aren’t a guarantee anyways.) Sellers should be responsible enough to keep track of their inventory. I bring my laptop and take down all physical delivery listings whenever I go out of town. It takes 10 minutes. If he wanted to take a break he could have taken his listings down/moved them into draft format saving 60 or 70 people time. Also when you add funds to the site you cannot remove them so it can cause even further damage when they can’t buy the item and now have their funds locked on the site.

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I wrote ‘What will happen if the seller got into an accident’ That happened to one of the sellers I bought from. I did not specify that It is him. Not All Sellers who don’t reply did it on purpose. If a Seller really got into an accident (Not Him) and doesn’t reply for 2-3 weeks while his 100+ listings all sold, it can’t be his fault. It happened once to a Seller that I bought from so I understand. I also understand what you meant. For this case as stated already, he is in fault. I wrote it above.

Thank You.

Have a Good Day!

Based on your reply, you had to wait 2-3 days and cancel without the sellers contacting you many times. For this case, it is his fault. Sometimes, they might just be very busy etc. Case By Case.


Yes, that is exactly why I wrote it is his fault under my second reply. I just added on that not all sellers are like that.

Hope you understand what I meant. Thanks again! I am not stating that his not at fault. I understand what your trying to state. End. If Anything else, feel free to private message me. Thanks once again.


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yeh i don’t believe they will remove them as they will only remove the once like by accident ot if u have 1 day delivery and id delivery like 20h but the buyer still said ur slow or stuff as for those that go to cancellation’s will not be removed as u didn’t deliver 70 posts so u should have take the listing off when u know u wouldn’t be able too, as my self i did got new bad rate but this one was mistake buy the buyer that he did apologies for and as i did contact them will mostly remove it as even the rate it’s self is positive

In the 60 70 bad rates there’s no any message in the calcification cuz the buyer can’t rate the bad rate is automatically put it by gameflip and I tell that I don’t care just curius to ask this and yes is my foult for not removed the post