For any purchase you make during BLACK FRIDAY (11/272015), we will give you up to $5 in Credits back. For purchases below $5, you will receive 100% of the purchase price back. Shipping costs are not included in this offer, so the Credits earned back are related to the listing price.
When will I get my Credits?
Credits will be awarded when the buyer rates the seller, therefore finalizing the transaction. You should receive a notification for Credit redemption. The rating does not have to occur during the promotion period, just the purchase.
If I buy something that’s less than $5, will I get $5?
No, you will get the listing price of the item you bought in Credits.
What if my seller doesn’t ship or the transaction gets canceled?
In order to prevent abuse of our promotion, we will not issue Credits in this situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
Only the first 200 users to purchase during the promotion period will qualify.
Purchases made from a friend who registered with your invite code are not valid. Accounts verified using a VoIP number are not eligible. Only the first purchase made during the promotion period will qualify. Limit of 1 purchase per eligible account. All purchases made before or after the promotion period are not eligible.
Starts Friday, November 27th 12AM PDT / 3AM EDT
Ends Saturday, November 28th 12AM PDT / 3AM EDT or after the 200 purchases are made. Whichever comes first.