Gameflip Support has not responded to my ticket in the past 12 days.

Gameflip has not responded to my support ticket for a scam attempt by someone, where he purposely made me join his game to make me think I’ll get the items, but instead he waited for me to click ready in the Rocket League trade window and clicked cancel. He then clicked item delivered, and he is not active on gameflip or just says “I am no scammer you are scammer I sent item” without having any proof or screenshots of sending me anything. I did not receive anything and want my $90 back. My invite code is KDHYHB please respond to the ticket it’s been 2 weeks

Bump! Please respond


As I checked, your ticket was solved already.

If you have any questions, please PM me. Thank you.

can you help me please with my ticket , i sent you a message