Help Getting Nintendo Account Restored

I opened a support ticket (600357) to request a proof of refund that Nintendo is asking for in order to restore the account of the person who was banned after using the code bought in order bcca1fef-44e2-4b29-9395-62ce36708d8f.

I’ve been told that you can no longer provide a refund, as it’s been more than 6 months since the purchase. The problem is that Nintendo banned the account just recently, so that is why I’ve opened a support ticket until now.

@DunnBiscuit can I get any help here? I only care about recovering the account, even if I don’t get an actual refund. The account is worth so much more than what I lost in the transaction.

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Youll have to reach out to nintendo support. This has happened many many many times gameflip cant help you

I’ve contacted Nintendo, but the only way for them to reinstate the banned account is if proof of refund is provided.

Hello, gameflip staff,

My account has recently been banned and I would like to understand a little more since I was not given any more information, plus I have funds in the account.

Can someone contact me? It’s urgent! Thank you!

Hello @Filipe_Alves,

To possibly get an answer quicker, reach out to a moderator here on the forum, or contact Gameflip Support at


im allready talking with @MajorTom, thanks a lot!

Hello @Filipe_Alves,

That’s great to hear! I hope it gets solved.

I still need assistance. Any help would be very much appreciated @MajorTom

Hi Ferus,

Looking at your ticket, I see that the support team has already asked you to contact your payment processor or bank for that specific case, so, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do here via forum.

My bank can no longer dispute this transaction, as I stated in the support ticket, and Gameflip won’t do it either. This is just sad, as Nintendo won’t restore the account without a refund proof.

I’ve been both a seller and buyer here in Gameflip, and have been scammed twice now. Once with Amazon Credit and now with the Nintendo Account.

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