I got scammed for 15 rocket league keys. Help me please

Good morning everyone. :sob:
So yeah, i got scammed for 15k on rl.
I sell keys on Rl by group of 15/20 keys and 3 days ago one guy bought a 15k pack on gameflip.
ok so that’s good. Then i text him in the order’s web page in order to say him to add me. No reply from him.
5 h passed and finally he texted me, saying that his grandma was at the hospital and i need to wait. i said that it wasn’t a problem and i was hoping that she’s well. The day after (SO 2 DAYS AGO, AT 18:50 EUROPE TIME ZONE), he texted me again and send me friend request. FINALLY. Then i invited him, he send me order ID and they correspond. So i gave him keys. Once the trade was succesfully complete, he deleted me. I didn’t uderstand why so i immediatly checked on the order’s web page and THE TRANSACTION HAS BEEN CANCELED. I couldn’t believe it. i never got scammed and never scammed one guy in my entire life and i could not expect that on gameflip is possible. I sent 2 ticket on support gameflip web page, but didn’t receive any answer yet. I have Image and Video proof of everything i said. SO PLEASE HELP ME. I have all proof but i’m new member on forum so i can attach only one image. EDIT: i earn basic badge so now i can attach all files


Please post your invite code so a moderator can identify and help you. The ticket is in a long queue, so please be patient. If it’s taking really long then you can also private message a moderator your transaction/order ID.

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Thanks for the answer.
My invitation code is SW348C

I just answered your ticket. Check my answer and we will continue this conversation over there.


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Ok i screenshotted everything.

  1. Screenshot of me and the buyer in the party Lobby

  2. Screenshot of the open trade window showing me sending the item

  3. Screenshot of the trade confirmation screen

I also have Video proof showing all these moments, if it can help.
Thanks for answer and help.

I replied your email. And thanks for the answer!

Up. I’m waiting for reply. ^^