Looking for the seller Kimmes

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone could help point me to the seller Kimmes? Not sure if that particular seller uses the forums, but worth a shot.

I had purchased a couple of gift cards from them and one of them was returned/revoked a few days after being loaded onto the account. I called apple and they said that the card was returned by the seller. Not sure if they had done this with all their gift cards or perhaps it was just the one.

If anyone knows any solution to this/manages to help me find Kimmes, thank you in advance.

I am on the phone with Apple support and I have the same issue, with a purchase from the same seller Kimmes. I bought a $40 iTunes gift card from Kimmes, and this seller waited until well after the time limit for me to confirm the code was valid, before cancelling the gift card and getting a refund.

I hope this user’s account is suspended, because none of the seller’s ratings will reflect that the balances are forcibly removed from the buyers’ accounts after a week or so.

I spoke to the support team twice. Different senior managers in both calls. The second one gave me more info on the situation and said that the giftcard were revoked because the card used to purchase it was reported to be stolen. I’ve opened a case with Gameflip about it with the reference and email Apple sent me as evidence. Will let you know how it goes. Exact same purchase for me too. 2x$40 iTunes card. Both removed since I haven’t spent it yet.

Hi, I can confirm that the seller waits for the transaction to be completed to cancel the gift Card, bought a 25$ one and the Apple ID was disabled just a day after the completion of the transaction.

Have you contacted gameflip’s support team? I’m still waiting for a reply on mine. Any luck from your end?

No luck at all.

Still in contact with Apple Support so I can recover my account and have more evidence of this scam.

Do not buy from seller KIMMES!

I’ve contacted Gameflip. Someone is now on the case with the seller. I should have a reply by tomorrow. I’ve sent them evidence from 2 Apple senior support staff saying that the money was revoked. Will keep you updated.

Just an update- Gameflip tried to contact the seller, but no response from them. They issued a refund in the end with the evidence I provided for the malicious activity. Good luck to you both, I hope you manage to get your refund too.

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