"Must be id verified to list Gift Cards"

Hi. I used to sell a few PSN codes on here and had great business with little to no issues over the course of the 20 or so codes distributed. I’ve been away for a year and have a couple of codes to sell now but it’s asking for ID verification.

The name on the account is a seller name / storefront but I have no problem verifying my identity through payment info, a bill, or my ID (though it’s expired by a couple of months now which is why I am worried).

I’ve also noticed I have 60 dollars left from my previous sales in the account that I left. Can an admin review my selling history and work with me to help me list new PSN codes? I’ve already purchased a membership to start selling again also… but unfortunately cannot make use of it while it expires in the wait.

They won’t. They need to comply with KYC/AML regulations without exceptions.

Hello @GiftCardHero,

Unfortunately, we are not able to except an expired ID, just as @riotgiftcards informed.

If you have any doubts regarding to this, please check the following links:

God Speed! :trident:

I will check back once I get new identification then in a couple of days. Will I have to make a new account since the name on this one is a seller name? The ID verification was not enforced during my time of sign-up and withdrawing worked fine with my Paypal account, so I opted for anonymity. Again, I have no problem with verifying my ID / documents with real name. I will only need time.

I think that on the page you apply for verification (https://gameflip.com/wallet/verify) you can input your legal name meaning you can change it from your store name if that is what appears when on the verify identity tab. I don’t really remember what the actual procedure looks like as I am already verified but you can check for yourself.

Hey man. I’m not really sure on this one but i think you can change the real name on your old account and you get to keep it and the rating.

Hello @GiftCardHero,

There is no need to create a new account to change your name.

In this case, you can update the address information with your real name and address. We will accept the verification if the information there is matching the one on the ID.

God Speed! :trident:

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