@Sparkling_Juice all my google play gift card listings got flagged because a buyer reported that his card needed more information and he gave me a negative review which is a google play store issue and not mine he later reached out to me and I have replaced the card for him and another reason on email was because of long history of dispute all my cards are all good cards the need more information error is a google play that I cannot see unless I sell and of which my customer satisfaction is my priority so I tell them to create dispute so I can cancel the problem now is I’m trying to sell more google play but I’m scared so I don’t get banned for my previous google play listings were removed. What can I do?
I am not sure since I never sold giftcards before. Maybe someone else with knowledge of that could reply you instead.
Did you have a lot of disputes? Every dispute counts and if you have a lot of disputes (even if it is settled afterwards) isn’t good towards your account. Is it better to just provide the buyer the information along with the code when they buy so that they don’t have to dispute to ask for more information?
If your current listings got removed, it is best advised to contact Support and/or DarkKnight on forums to ask and get a reply on what you could do before listing again. @DarkKnight
But I don’t know when they will reply.
There are too many scams for gift cards etc so I think it’s good if sellers need to verify proof the gift card is clean. If you sell legit gift card then you don’t need to worry! If you send the proof to support I am sure they can help check it.
This google play issue per day is neither buyers fault or sellers fault it’s from google play store itself and no one can know the problem unless the card is being used. It will always show balance if you check
Makes sense hope its sorted now
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