Anyone heading to PAX this August?
This is my first year attending PAX, so I’m super excited! The schedule isn’t up, so I would like some suggestions. What’s your favorite thing about PAX and what tips or recommendations would you have for me?
Anyone heading to PAX this August?
This is my first year attending PAX, so I’m super excited! The schedule isn’t up, so I would like some suggestions. What’s your favorite thing about PAX and what tips or recommendations would you have for me?
I live in Seattle but have never had the chance to go. Mostly because I’ve never had the money for it in high school or a way to get their. This year, I finally had the funds and was just waiting for the date that they told us the ticket sales would open…and then they opened a week early and I lost my chance again lol So I’ll be missing this year also, but hey, I hope you have an awesome time (and try to see Markiplire while your their!)
As for suggestions, that kind of depends on your level of knowledge on conventions, if you are from out of town, what kind of pass you have and such :3
I’ve only been to Fanime back in San Jose for about 5 years straight, so I guess I’m expecting something similar? No really sure how a games convention differs from an anime convention.
As for what kind of pass I have, I have no idea LOL. I got my pass through someone I knew at Ubisoft, so I guess it’s going to be a surprise
Ok well the major difference is that Pax Prime is the biggest gaming expo in the west coast not counting E3, and E3 only counts because people can play demo’s their, but where E3 is more for Press releases, Pax Prime is made to celebrate gaming in many forms. Video games, table top games and online games, as long as its fun its their! Pax also promotes YouTubers now and even will have DnD events where the heads of Wizards of the Coast will play a round of DnD for viewers to enjoy with them (you can find them on youtube also).
As for the passes, I bet their are awesome no mater what, just make sure to post pic’s and updates when you get their ok?
Haha, true. Thanks for the heads up! I’m going with one other person and I assume he knows more about it than I do. At this point, I’m just waiting for the schedule to be posted.
For now, I’m just going to look into action cameras and other stuff so I can capture the magic~
Oh before I forget! Looooooooots of people are going to be their, and odds are everybody who either bought a ticket off the sight or from a friend will be their, which means that traffic is going to suck all over downtown Seattle and every place is going to be packed. So be prepared for that. Not just for the crowded-ness of this but also the chance of getting sick (one year at Pax is famous for spreading H1N1 one year)
Thanks for the heads up!