Hi I am a reputable seller with over 2,100 good reviews, 0 bad. To bring buyers to my shop I take my time to create nice pictures for my items when I list them (as a lot of other sellers do) I have discovered a seller that finds it ok to steal my pictures, which have my name watermarked on them, and use them for his own postings. I know it might not be a crime to do this but we sellers take our time to create these eye catching posts not for others to just steal them and use for their own gains. I’ve asked him repeatedly to remove my pictures but he just deletes the post and reposts with my pictures again. He’s telling customers that he’s me. Pretending to be me and using my pictures. I have a regular customer that bought from this seller because he seen my pictures and assumed I made a new Gameflip page. He goes on to tell me that the seller told him he is me and that he had to start over because he got banned. I would really like to see something done about this as this is against Terms of Service to scam people into believing you are someone else. Can provide all pictures and proof necessary when needed. Thanks for reading
u should post picture and link of ur account and his so when mod see this they can check it, as now they will ask for that info and its will be taking them time to check on ur answer again
Unless you’re images are copyrighted, then he has every right to use your photos with no consent from you to take them down. If he is pretending to be you, I’d suggest going to Gameflip Support.
You are wrong, Aurora. Gameflip has ruled otherwise multiple in the past. https://gameflip.com/shop/in-game-items You can see they even use and promote the profiles and images people create. Please refrain from posting about things you are not familiar with.
Stealing others images is also stealing the reputation that user has built and is only done by lazy sellers and scammers.
I’d open a ticket or contact a member of the mod team directly if you don’t hear back from them in a few days.
Yes, Gameflip has these rules. But obviously, the US Copyright Rules override Gameflip’s rules, so technically, he can use these photos unless copyrighted. I’m ‘familiar’ with this thing, so I will post and help you.
They can prohibit whatever they like. You can’t just break rules and then spout copyright nonsense. He’s not breaking a law he’s breaking a site rule. It’s like how you can’t post explicit images or advertisements for other sites. It’s not illegal to sell certain gift cards or accounts, but gameflip can still prohibit them from being sold. Ignore Aurora as he can’t distinguish between rules and US law lol.
Okay, just helping people with the right info. Better seller at the end of the day.
The persons profile got removed, apparently there is some sort of site rule for common courtesy plus him trying impersonate me definitely added to the issue. I appreciate everyone’s input
Very Nice!
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