Purchases Disabled (Credit, Debit Cards and BTC)

Hello Flippers,

Our payment processor Stripe has signaled to us today that they’re having issues to process Credit, Debit and Pre-Paid cards payments, therefore we are disabling those from Gameflip temporarily. Earlier this month they’ve had issues with the Bitcoin payment processing, which was also disabled.

To avoid further complications to our community, our developers are already integrating new payment processors for cards, so we can reactivate these as soon as possible.

As of now, Gameflip is supporting only Paypal as payment method and both Paypal and BTC as payout.

I’ll keep you informed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Ok! But we want Bank Transfer as payment method! Justice for European Customer!!! :smiley:

I want that too! :crossed_fingers:

You’ll have me here again when you have BTC add funds :relieved:

I don’t understand you guys make Payouts via BTC but can’t recive BTC ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, i’ll be ready until BTC add fund work.

I understand that this may take a while but do you know rufly until people like me can buy again

Credit & Debit cards have been enabled. Closing this topic.

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