Scammer goes around the rule to not get banned

Well, I guess a picture is worth thousands of words. This guy goes around the loop by not saying it directly on Gameflip to avoid getting banned. Lure me multiple times on icq to finalize transactions on Gameflip first so he can send the code

I wonder if he gets banned.

His icq : 718520967

I think that happens in many marketplaces. Some sellers want to avoid fees. Buyers won’t get any protection doing it this way though because the sellers probably ask to send via PayPal’s friend & family option, which won’t be protected by chargebacks.

Hello! Can you also send screenshots that links this ICQ number to the chat you showed us?


@TheFuBar The problem is he asks for payment that has no dispute and refuses other escrow service. Legit sellers are always willing to use it when being asked

@DunnBiscuit The second photo shows the message with him offering his icq. You can revise it with this order ID 7a7496cf-0716-4dea-9364-30573c1dcebf

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Thanks for the info.

I’ll check it and will take any action if necessary.



Gameflip have now suspended me, however I only do this to avoid being ripped off by scammers who buy codes then dispute the code so they get a refund! I am a seller with over 200 good reviews and 2 bad reviews! I am very upset gameflip have suspended me, however, there’s not much you can do!

HEY HO! What can you do!

When will my suspension be lifted?

And he is also very unprofessional as he was asking me questions like this!?

And also! I’m not the only one who is being scammed for amazon and other codes! Here is an example of another seller being scammed

Hello, can you tell me your invite code so I can check it further?


OK, I was making a joke. If you don’t like it, that’s my fault

I’ve seen many sellers on Gameflip with over 1000+ ratings get suspended without coming back. There were a lot asking to rate first a few weeks ago before sending the code and they were permanently suspended.

You are fully aware that this is against the Gameflip policy so you offer to contact off-site. If you are not, why don’t you say it in your listing? Because you know that you will get banned instantly for asking buyers to rate first. If it’s off-site, no one bothers to report you, right? You also suggest me file a claim with Paypal after completing the trade on Gameflip which will result in the suspension of my account. In the meantime, you already withdraw the money out without sending the code or sending an invalid one. There is always a cost while doing business and if you cannot afford to lose it, don’t do it. There are many sellers here win the case against scamming buyers and they manage to do hundreds of thousands of sales. Unless you know what to do, there is no way for people to stop scamming you.

I tell you this. There are many sellers offering better price with some conditions and those rules help them cash the money out while letting the buyers receiving the code. There are a bunch of excuses while waiting for them.