I’d like to thank Gameflip for hosting this, and Raxynus for wishing me luck, but most of all, Batman, for being a pop culture icon 
But seriously congrats to the other winners and my condolences to those who lost.
Anyway, I’m not planning on getting PS Plus ($15 just to play online is absolutely ridiculous) so what are some good one player games on the PS4 (besides Arkham Knight, of course)
Oh no way! I was going to ask, cause I saw in the other thread that you said you won. And I wanted to ask which prize!
Well congrats!! And thanks again for being a part of our community! I hope you enjoy that shinny new PS4. I am quite jealous tbh 
Haha, thanks man. Didn’t you already know though, I mean you posted the winners list on the forums.
Haha Yeah, but I can’t see your real name in the forums.
Decoding my username 101: ZalexDuhBeast. Zalex. Z Alex. Alex Z.
Don’t get TOO jelly, I’ve still got to deal with the trouble of ye old tax form. I actually have to fax this thing, out of sheer coincidence I just happen to have a fax machine, but then I have to connect it to the phone line and print out the form, etc.
It’s a headache, but it’s worth it 
lol hey congrats dude! Glad to see you got the PS4 (and that our luck combined got it to ya
) Hopefully next time I’ll get the next PS4 XD Got to say, preeeety jealous right now!
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Haha, thanks, I hope you do get the next one, thanks for that extra luck boost!
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OK good! I know, a fax right? lol Unfortunately for legal reasons we need it to be faxed due to the sensitive information on it. But once you do, just email us back and let us know!
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Anyone want to start a forum pool on whether or not people are already throwing offers at him to buy it? LOL! Congrats man, that PS4 is super stylish!
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Congratulations! :D, you are very lucky, I thought I was going to win something!, haha, maybe next time. Anyways, I totally recommend you to get Bloodborne, it’s a PS4 exclusive, my favorite PS4 game and one of my favorite game ever!, simply amazing. If you won’t get PS plus, the game it’s still awesome, but online can add a little bit of fun to the game, both co-op and pvp.
You could get PS Plus 1 year for $50, and you get free games every month, like past month they were giving Rocket League which is an awesome game. Maybe on christmas they’ll give something better.
Regardless if you get PS plus or no, Bloodborne it’s incredible. It’s difficult, beautiful combat system, beautiful lore and story. It will get an extensión later this year or maybe first quarter next year. Graphics are really good. It’s from the saga of Dark Soul and Demon Soul, if you’ve played those ever in your life, you’ll love this one, if you hasn’t, you’ll love it even more (because it would be your first experience)

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ve heard many things about Bloodborne
Anyway even with PS Plus offering free games I refuse to pay for it out of protest. I mean, I have to pay money for multiplayer!? Really!? I just wish others would follow in my footsteps, maybe then $ony would get the hint
Hi Zalex,
Even though late, congrats on winning the grand prize!
And the reason why I’m writing late is cause I am actually the grand prize winner for the Halo 5 console bundle! So what i wanted to find out from you is: have you received your grand prize yet? And if so, what did you have to go through to do so?
Cause I’m kinda skeptical with the tax form (who wouldnt be? lol). Just trying to get some past winner feedback here 
My PS4 was delivered to me about two days after I filled out and faxed the W-9 tax form.
I was also skeptical about the form but I belived in Gameflip and it’s team and they delivered, and quickly too!
Don’t worry, you’ll get it!
Talking to past grand prize winners should be a tradition 
Talking to past winners DOES sound like it should be a tradition lol. Especially since it seems a bit shady at first. But it provides reinforcement that yes this is real and yea you will get what you won. Just hopefully taxes won’t hurt me when they come around lol.
Thanks for all the info Zalex! And gameflip continues to grow stronger. “The force is strong with gameflip” lol.
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awesome! i recently got a ps4