Spammer on gameflip

Hey everyone, 16 days ago i got warning for spamming ( i put like 8 listings of a pet ) and after that i put just 2 same listings with 24 hours waiting, but after that left 16 days and why I decide to open this topic? Problem that i found spammer who put his listings every 5-10 mins until 24 hours he doing this like 30-40 times per 1 order ( so it’s like 10 orders with 30 same listings ) , so it’s 300plus listings of great spam every day . 16 days in a row i trying to use support but he still spam and spam ( i can’t find anyone when i try to search a pet or something cos i see only listings from him ) he got 2 pages i think Sxnsive - Gameflip
Airex Shop - Gameflip
I have like 20 screenshots of proofs ( some of them will be here)

Sorry my english not perfect but i tired from this guy , and also i feel that guys like me can’t sell anything cos of him @DarkKnight @Sparkling_Juice

Both are not found. Since their not found means support probably did something already.

yea, but you see this screenshots, first time i see something like this on gameflip, i hope this seller will back and will make healthy competition but not like this, thanks for respond @Sparkling_Juice

Honestly I saw your comments under their posts and I think you should be banned from the site. Scarring sellers, swearing at them and saying I will get a fish and slap you or whatever I can’t remember it was something like that on their face is absolutely disgusting and shouldn’t be tolerated on any type or form. I hope staff can see this because I actually bought from these sellers before and they are both nice and respectful. I saw comments back from them asking you to stop and you just kept going and going with all of this and they spoke to you respectfully but you had a bad attitude towards them swearing and abusing them.

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That’s correct, users already got permanent ban both on gameflip and forum for frequently swearing, acting disrespectful and this one is scaring sellers as a extra cherry on the cake