Subscription has NOT renewed

Just noticed my subscription has not renewed, it expired March 28th 2020, and payment was supposed to be March 26th 2020. Just curious if this is on my end or a system error.

@DarkKnight i have the same issue too

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Hey everyone!

Could you please provide me your invite codes, so I could take a further look?

God Speed! :trident:

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Sure thing I appreciate it!


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and because of the subscription did not renew, some of my sold items get extra charged…

I also had this issue and noticed being charged full fees on the few of my bot items that sold KGUJ7X

Hey everyone!

I can see that this issue has already been resolved in all of the accounts I checked.

Thanks for the patience and hope everyone has an awesome day!

Stay safe!

God Speed! :trident:

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Thank you guys very much!

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Not a problem @ElPapaDeTu! :wink:

God Speed! :trident:

Just curious how was it resolved? I renewed the subscription on my own 4 days ago after not hearing anything and not wanting to lose even more but never received compensation for the additional fees or anything.

Did you the rest of you get some sort of compensation?

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