Suspended account!!! Please help

My account has been suspended for selling accounts . And i was unaware that it was against terms and services. I am really sorry for breaking ToS and i have almost 50+ positive feedbackz Please unsuspend my account. Or for my funds allow me to withdraw.


You should post your Invite Code so that the Moderators can find you.

Don’t expect a response until at least Monday as the Moderators don’t work on weekends.

Selling accounts is a very strict thing to GameFlip’s policy. Not to ruin your luck but from what I have seen no one has gotten their account recovered from that type of suspension.

Hello, guys. My acc was suspended for selling TWITCH PRIME ACCOUNT. I didnt know that you cant sell accounts on gameflip, i didnt try to scam someone as you can see i just selling pubg and sometimes gift codes items and now most of my money stuck on gameflip. Can someone help me, please? I have all good ratings for 250+ sales. I didnt check my e-mail so often, cuz it’s old and same with phone number. Im not even sure what phone number is connected to my gameflip account, because i didnt receive any warning messages on my main phone. Thanks a lot for the help and support! My code: BE8YQZ