Trade Error (HELP!!)

Im trying to withdraw my CSGO Skins that i bought and i get this error when starting the bot trade:
There was an error sending your trade offer. Please try again later.

Auxie is not available to trade. More information will be shown to Auxie if they invite you to trade.

(my name is auxie)

What is this? Currently steam inventory are delayed but will i get my funds back in my wallet if i cannot retreive it>

I find this to happen often as a Buyer and seller on Gamefip but I will tell you that steam’s servers are to blame, furthermore when this happens just google steam server stats and check the column that states steam INV and normally it will say delayed on it so just be patient and when there back online you will be able to withdraw your item. Good luck @Keeeve

This means you’re trade block by Steam. Did you change your password, email, or phone number in Steam? Any of these actions will cause a trade block in Steam. It happened to me when I changed my email in Steam.