Unable to find item I want to buy because someone is spamming all their listings with unrelated hashtags!

Im having a bit of a frustrating situation. Im trying to buy a game item from the Christmas update but there is this one seller who has hashtagged all his listings with that item and more of the Christmas update items I’m looking to buy. And these tags are totally unrelated to what’s this person is selling so when I search any item, its all this persons whole unrelated listings that showing up and im starting to get frustrated because I need to scroll and scroll and through all his listings just to find other sellers listings. It was easier to make a purchase or search for item but this is a first time I’m seeing someone using tags to spam so their listings are everywhere when people re searching for totally unrelated items and this shouldn’t be allowed. And yes even if I filter search, their listings show up coz they re literally putting about 50 tags unrelated.

Ouch! @Prettyvibes that can definitely be frustrating. Let’s see if I can help you here…

Have you tried different sorting criteria, like “Top Seller” or the “Online” filter? These may qualify your results.

Nonetheless, could you share the keyword you’ve been using and perhaps some more details on what you are trying to find and what is being shown? This way we can give you a better solution.


The person has sold all his listings so now few days later so I can easily search up with no issues now. But I have a screen recording to give an example of the experience I ve had but it won’t let me upload videos here, don’t know why. I think this shouldn’t be allowed. Because I’m sure, we will have the same issues when this person starts listing stuff again. The Gameflip algorithm is supposed to show the sellers with higher ratings but this isn’t the case. So even if I filter it in any way, that persons listings in his whole Gameflip account was showing because he tagged them all with all the Christmas items that got released. This would be unfair to the rest as well as all are trying to purchase Christmas items in demand only to see unrelated listings of the said person.

I have attached a screenshot of the tags where it’s all the items from Christmas that was tagged to unrelated items.

Pls note that the search for these items re showing fine now as the person has no new listings and all sold out. Guess till next time.

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Another update, in which the seller must write the description of the product himself.
Another abuse from dishonest sellers.
Do you think that this is another “improvement” of the site?
I understand that I can also enter any tags into my listing?