Under Review
Good news, your item has been bought. We are reviewing the buyer payment information, and you will be notified once the payment is successfully processed. For your protection, please do NOT send the item to the buyer while the order is under review.
When a sold listing is “Under Review”, it means the buyer’s payment is being reviewed. There’s nothing you, as a seller, have to do.
Rest assured, our system and Support will take care of all verification. If the payment is approved, then the order will be released. If the payment is rejected, then Gameflip will automatically list your item back to the marketplace.
In extreme cases, “Under Review” statuses can take up to 3 days in extreme cases to be lifted, but the usual is few hours. Please allow enough time for the review to be concluded.
kalo ditanya pernah ngalami mah, pasti pernah. sekarang aja satu item sold tapi under review udah 7 jam. kalo gagal barang auto ke list/sale lagi kok. kalo berhasil auto dapet money di balance kamu. malah waktu itu pernah jual udah laku, tapi ke under review 3 hari apa berapa ya lupa wkw, jadi pihak gameflip review pembayaran dari pembeli. sabar aja. kalo ga sabar bikin tiket aja ke supportnya.