Updated Seller Rating Display

One neutral rating that I didn’t have before just appeared on my profile. My ratings were 100% perfect, only neutral ones were given by mistake (automatically after dispute is closed in my favor) and removed by your team afterwards. There were one, or two negative ones after buyers tried to scam me and were not pleased with an outcome, but they were also removed by your team. How this one (more than one year old rating) and only that one came up?

With your new system, I’m unable to click on user to see his full name and to try and find transaction number.

Any help?


EDIT: I found Order ID. I mean, two of them (same buyer, same price, same date), one of them is the order in question.


I even found our correspondence in my inbox (Dec 23, 2017) where you’re confirming rating removal. As I said, it wasn’t visible on my profile till today.